Tournament Rules

The purpose of this tournament is to create an event where everyone has a good time. While competing to win is admirable, it does not define the success of the tournament and we deeply encourage it not to define whether you as an individual have a good time either. Some of this is on you and the attitude you bring to the event; but some of it is on the organisers.

It is most important to understand the hierarchy of importance that motivates the tournament:

The following hierarchy of priorities guides our approach to the tournament:

Highest: The safety of attendees (and other people we may share the space with).

Second: The community of Diplomacy players.

Third: The fairness and competitiveness of the event.

There is a Code of Conduct. Read it.

I also draw your attention to the full rules NDC 2025 Tournament rules. While these rules are laid out for clarity and fairness, fairness is a third-order consideration. The tournament director will not hesitate to override any or all of the rules if it is to ensure a safe environment and the safety of attendees.


Spring turns are 17 mins, Fall turns are 15 mins. Retreats and adjustments are on the clock. There is a 2 minute no-negotiation phase for writing orders at the event of each phase. Adjudication is done by the table when possible, by TD or ATD when requested by any of the players. For full details of regulations, please read the complete rules. The games end either when

- When a player achieves an 18-centre victory (solo).

- After fall of 1907

- When the tournament director determines a game must end for safety reasons.

- When all players who still hold a centre agree to a draw via a public vote.

Wellbeing officer

The wellbeing officer is part of the GM team and aims to make the tournament a safe and fun environment for all involved parties. If a player feels unsafe during a game or experiences problems which harm their wellbeing in any other way or are concerned about another player’s wellbeing, they are encouraged to reach out to the wellbeing officer about this. The wellbeing will try to find an adequate solution to any problem a player reaches out about. The wellbeing officer may at their discretion pause any ongoing games, the wellbeing officer may not make any other decisions impacting the games or the tournament scoring.


The C-diplo Namur scoring system will be used. The best two games of a player count fully towards the tournament score while the third best game only counts half. Best Country awards will be determined using the individual game score under the system. See scoring for more information.