Scoring System

Points per supply centre

The first six supply centres are scored as shown below. All further supply centres are worth one point each

1 Sc = 5pts

2 Sc = 9pts

3 Sc = 12 pts

4 Sc = 14 pts

5 Sc = 16 pts

6 Sc = 18 pts

Rank based bonus

Players in first, second and third position receive a bonus to their score. If any number of players tie for any of these positions, the bonus(ses) are evenly divided between the players.

first = 38pts

second = 14pts

third = 7 pts

Participation and solo points

A player who soloes scores 85 points and all players soloed on score 0 points. Unless a solo happens, all players score one point for participation.

What if I’m lazy/bad at arithmetic

Scoring sheets with all possible scores will be distributed at the tournament.